Is a Home Equity Loan Your Path to Eliminating Credit Card Debt?

By Paul Mulligan,

Senior Vice President, Consumer Lending

Now that the holidays are a distant memory, everyone has settled back into their “normal” routines, which inevitably includes paying the bills. Hopefully, you didn’t max out all your credit cards, but if you did, that may create strain on your budget, especially if you also have other debts you’re paying off as well, like college loans.

The reality is this situation can happen to anyone, at any time. You may run into some unexpected expenses or you simply aren’t budgeting wisely, or you haven’t figured out how to save enough and the next thing you know, you have multiple debtors hitting you with high interest rates every month. It can make it hard to make a dent in your balances and become financially secure.

If you own a home and have built up equity, there is an option that could help get you out of debt faster than paying off all your credit cards each month. You could look into a home equity loan. Especially if you’ve been paying of your mortgage for several years, or your home value has increased significantly, you may actually have an easy time securing a home equity loan.

Using a home equity loan to pay consolidate multiple debts has some advantages. For instance, home equity loans often come with lower interest rates than credit cards, making the interest you’re accruing each month lower. With a home equity loan, you are also only paying a single creditor, making your monthly budgeting a little easier to manage, and a longer repayment period may help you reduce your monthly payment, giving you a little breathing room in your budget. In addition, if you are also using the home equity loan to fund a major home improvement project, the interest may also be tax deductible.

But, you should be aware there are risks with consolidating debt into a home equity loan. Perhaps the biggest is that, if you default on the loan, your home can go into foreclosure. Unlike credit card debt, it’s almost impossible to discharge a home equity loan. In addition, if your home’s value drops, you could end up paying more than it is actually worth at that point.

Perhaps the biggest drawback is loan consolidation doesn’t address the spending habits that got you into a debt problem to begin with. In addition to paying off your loans, you should also get into better spending habits to make the most of your paycheck and avoid getting into even more debt. It’s very easy to start running up credit card balances if you aren’t careful. So, if you are having a hard time putting money into savings, there are several ways you can help yourself become more financially responsible, including using a savings app like Plinqit.

But, if you think a home equity loan could be the right option for you, come speak with one of our financial specialists, who can help you make a smart decision and get your finances back on track.

Plinqit Makes Saving as Easy as Using an App

By Tina Mason,

Customer Solutions Specialist,

Post Road East Office

Saving is not always easy. Just ask the 58% of Americans who have less than $1,000 saved (73% have less than $5,000 in savings). Financial experts suggest having an emergency fund of 6-12 months of expenses, in addition to saving for retirement, which should be around 15% of your annual income. Of course, that doesn’t factor in saving for additional large expenses, like vacations, college tuition, home improvement projects, among others.

So, when you put it all together, saving close to 20% of your income can help provide a comfortable level of financial security. But, according to another survey, 69% of Americans set aside 10% or less, and only 15% are saving more than 15%.

There are several reasons behind the lack of savings, including expenses being too high, income levels not being high enough, and debt – as well as simply not having gotten to it. It’s very possible that some expenses can be reduced by doing a spending analysis, which would help those with high expenses or lower incomes. But, the simple fact is it’s just not easy to save.

There’s good news, though. We’re living in a tech-driven world, and innovative companies are creating apps and services to solve just about every problem, including fintechs and the saving dilemma.

The Milford Bank has partnered with one of those fintechs, Plinqit, to help customers save. The key is that it’s simple to set up and simple to use. Customers simply set up a Plinqit account, connect it to their checking account, set up to five savings goals and a schedule for depositing small amounts into their Plinqit accounts.

Because we want to help customers succeed, The Milford Bank and Plinqit incentivize users to become more financially literate and to follow through on their savings goals. By watching educational and financial videos through the app, users can earn savings rewards that are added to their Plinqit accounts. Users can also be rewarded for successfully reaching their savings goals – but there are penalties for withdrawing their funds early.

How much users are able to save is completely up to them. Each user has to set reasonable savings goals based on their own budgets and expenses. The Milford Bank and Plinqit are here to help keep those savings goals on track. The app works; Plinqit users have saved more than half-a-million dollars since the app was launched.

If you’re serious about saving money for any reason, The Milford Bank is here to help. Anyone can set up an account on their own and start saving, but if you want advice on your personal finance needs, please visit one of our offices and speak to one of our financial specialists.

Why Digital is an Advantage for Local Banking

It’s no secret that the world has gone digital. So much of everything we do each day happens online with the mobile devices that seem to be attached to our appendages. Mobile and desktop apps and online portals have changed the way we manage our lives, including our finances.

With the Millennial generation now the largest single population group in the workforce, the majority of spenders and financial decision-makers will soon be digital natives. They have grown up in the smartphone era and expect to be able to do just about everything digitally, including banking.

According to a recent report, 69% of Millennials use their laptops or PCs at least once a week to access bank accounts, but 92% do the same thing on their smartphones, and more than half engage in banking activities on their mobile devices more than five times a week.

Interestingly, Gen X is actually ahead of the Millennial generation in terms of laptop banking (82% at least once a week), and not far behind when it comes to smartphones (83% at least once per week and 47% more than five time a week).

The Milford Bank has always prided ourselves on the personal service we deliver and the community and human connections we are able to create. While on the surface it would appear that national banking brands would have an advantage with digital banking, we are happy to be provided the opportunity to build on our relationships we have had with our customers by offering a variety of digital products and services that can be correctly tailored to our customers’ needs and wants. Some of the advantages of this digital shift are:

Expanded customer base – Digital banking allows us to expand our customer bases. Because most people don’t need to visit branches very frequently, offering digital banking products can showcase our brand to new customers. Customers are comfortable doing most of their banking using digital tools, and are within a reasonable distance from a branch to be able to go when they need to.

Quality customer experience – The Milford Bank prides itself on delivering superior customer service. While it may seem digital banking could detract from that experience, it’s actually quite the opposite. Because customers expect to be able to do their banking online, giving them the tools to do it is part of a great experience.

Improved customer engagement – Digital tools create opportunities for increased engagement between The Milford Bank and its customers. That means that we now have more ways to let our customers know about the tools that are available for their banking needs – especially new ones, like partnering with P2P payment networks, and to emphasize the flexibility the combination of local and digital banking offers.

Perpetual availability – One of the great benefits of digital banking is its 24/7/365 availability. While offices are closed for holidays, the Internet stays open for business, which means you can access your accounts, pay bills, and send money to your kids in college any time at all – from anywhere.

The bottom line is banking is going digital, and it is important for The Milford Bank to give our customers a diverse variety of tools to choose how they want to bank. As banking competition has moved online, The Milford Bank cherishes the opportunity to blend the personalized experience a customer gets when they visit one of our offices with the ease and convenience of our digital product offerings. Customers like feeling that they matter and it is important for us to provide quality products and services regardless of whether it is in person or online.

Holiday Travelers Should Be Wary of New Payment Data Risk at Gas Stations

By David Wall,

Chief Information Officer

‘Tis the season… for joy and celebration and spending time with family and friends. It’s a time of year most people look forward to for many reasons, not the least of which is the traditions attached to the holiday period which, for many, includes travel. If you’re one of millions of people driving to visit your relatives this holiday season, there are plenty of things to deal with, from packing to wrapping presents, scheduling and, of course fighting holiday traffic.

This year, though, there’s something else to worry about. If you’re driving during the holidays, you’re going to eventually end up at a gas station, where you may be putting your payment cards at risk more than usual. Card skimmers have been around for a long time, but they can often be recognized by smart consumers and reported.

But, cyber criminals are getting more advanced and Visa has warned consumers of a new, growing risk at the pumps. A sophisticated hacking group has exploited vulnerabilities in gas station point-of-sale networks that allow them to install malware to intercept payment data from magnetic strip readers without any physical skimmer needed.

The problem is these attacks are undetectable to customers – until their accounts are used for fraudulent purchases or personal information is used in other ways, like opening new accounts. But, they are not entirely powerless. Because chip transactions have not been compromised through these breaches, customers should look for gas stations that have updated their technology and are using PIN or chip readers. Of course, good old cash is also a safe alternative.

Gas stations are facing an October 2020 deadline for installing chip readers at pumps, but until then, customers should be aware of the risk of using stripe readers.

This is yet another example of the continued threats to consumers’ financial and personal information, with new breaches reported almost daily that can cause significant hardship – or, at the very least, inconvenience – to victims. If you’ve suspect any of your financial information has been exposed in any way, please contact The Milford Bank right away so we can assist in resolving the issues. We also recommend subscribing to our Security E-Newsletter which offers informative articles and keeps you abreast of the latest threats.

Fraud and identity theft are the last thing anyone wants to have to deal with, least of all during the holidays. Staying informed and knowing how to reduce your exposure to risk can go a long way in keeping your accounts and data safe, and making sure you can enjoy the season.

What you need to know about using P2P payment apps

By Lynn Viesti Berube

One of the unique features about today’s app-centric society is there’s an app or just about everything, it seems.  It’s great to be able to download apps and take care of so many things on your mobile devices.   On the other hand, because these apps tend to be fairly targeted – most try to solve a single problem – they don’t always offer quite the level of flexibility or functionality users might want.

Take mobile payment apps, for instance, like Zelle or Venmo, which are becoming increasingly popular.  They are designed to make exchanging funds between individuals easier using digital technology.  But, they are not necessarily intended for all transactions.  Both companies have been clear that their intended use is for payments between friends or other people who know and trust one another.  For things like paying a share of a dinner bill, sending an entry fee for a fantasy sports league, or getting in on a group birthday gift, apps like these make transactions fast and simple.  These are cases where one individual outlays funds for an activity, and others need to pay their share.

But, as with any digital transactions, there are risks that users should be aware of.  Here are a few simple tips to keep your apps, accounts, and money safe while letting you enjoy the convenience of P2P payment apps.

Intended uses – Use the apps as they are intended.  If an online retailer asks you to pay using a p2P app, you should be suspicious.  Reputable online retailers should offer payment methods that don’t require immediate P2P transfers, such as credit cards, PayPal, and other means.  If you’re paying for services, such as a snowplow service in the winter, using a P2P app, you may be using local residents not set up to receive credit card payments, and sending a check each time it snows can be a nuisance, so a P2P app might be the best option.  At the very least, make sure you know who you’re paying, use only reputable providers, and make sure you’ve received the service before paying.  Consider sending a check the first few times to make sure the relationship works out.

Identity – It’s easy to make a mistake when typing an email, phone, number or username.  Double check whatever identifier you’re using to send money to someone.  Once the money has been sent, it’s hard – often impossible – to get it back, so taking the extra time to get it right can reduce potential headaches.

Send a test – If you’re not certain you are sending to the right person, send a small amount as a test and confirm they received it before sending the full amount.

Security – Follow the same security principles as you would for any other application or website.  Use the highest level of security they offer, including using a PIN or fingerprint ID for transactions.  If the application offers two-factor authentication, be sure to use it.  While this adds an additional step when using the app, it also adds an additional layer of protection that help keep you account secure, even if your credentials are compromised.

Deposits – Some apps place funds you’ve received into a mobile wallet until you manually transfer them into your bank account.  This can sometimes take several days to process, so once you have approved the transfer, check to verify that it actually went through.

Fees – Some P2P payment platforms charge fees for certain kinds of transactions.  Make sure you know what your app’s policies and fees are so you won’t be surprised and can account for fees when sending or receiving money.

Settings – Always check your app’s privacy and sharing settings.  They may have default settings that make information available to others that want kept private.

Kids – Many parents want to give their children access to P2P payment apps to make it easier for them to participate in various activities.  You probably don’t want to give them full access to your credit card or bank accounts, so take the trip to your local bank to see what options they might be able to offer, such as a prepaid debit card to link to your child’s app.  If they are part of one of the payment platform networks, they likely are well versed on the best ways to let your kids use them.  Of course, before anything, make sure your child’s device has security protocols enabled, and talk to them about potential security risks and how to avoid them.


Peer 2 Peer Payment Apps Give Consumers More Choice

By Celeste Lohrenz

As it has been with nearly every industry, digital technology is changing the way people bank.  Online tools and mobile apps are making it easier for people to manage their finances, giving them modern options to replace traditional options.  P2P (Peer To Peer) payment apps, for instance, have become highly popular as a means of exchanging funds between individuals.

While check payments are still very popular – even with Millennials, new P2P payment users are nearly evenly split between those younger than and older than 45.

It’s really about having options.  If there one thing a digital economy has proven  it is that people want convenience.  They want to be able to transact using whatever methods are most convenient for them at the time.  That may mean going to a local bank office to understand the differences between home equity loans and HELOCs.  It may mean putting a check in the mail for a monthly car payment.  It may mean going to an ATM to take out cash for dinner.  It may mean putting a new TV on a store credit account because of a no-interest offer.  Increasingly, though, it also means using P2P apps to settle with friends, relatives, colleagues, or others.

For instance, Zelle – a mobile payment platform whose parent company is actually owned by seven major banks – delivered $49 billion through 196 million transactions in Q3 2019 alone, a year-over-year increase of 58% in transaction value and 73% in transaction volume. The Milford Bank is happy to now offer Zelle to our customers as a further option to your banking experience.

There are many reasons P2P payment apps such as Zelle are growing, but convenience is at the top of the list. Zelle offers a simple alternative to get money to other users quickly – if both parties are signed up with Zelle for instance, funds may be available within minutes.  Zelle is available on both Android and iOS platforms, making it easy to transfer money to split a dinner tab or utility bill, regardless of what mobile devices your friends use.

But, perhaps the biggest benefit Zelle offers is trust.  The biggest reason consumers avoid mobile payment apps is lack of trust.  In addition to being operated by a consortium of the biggest banks in the country, Zelle partners with other financial institutions so those banks can make Zelle transactions available through their own mobile apps and online resources – as opposed to having to use a third-party app.  Sending or requesting money is as simple as logging into The Milford Bank’s mobile app or online account and choosing the person to send funds to using your mobile contact list or entering their phone number or email address.

Along with The Milford Bank, more than 600 financial institutions have signed up to be part of the Zelle Network, with more than 250 already online and processing transactions.  In all, more users representing more than 5,500 banks have successfully completed Zelle transactions.

How are You Getting Rid of Your Old iPhones and Computers?

By Dave Wall

Every time Apple, Samsung, or any other electronic device manufacturer releases new products, the media tends to grab hold and saturate news feeds with the incredible advances these new product bring for consumer and business users. They’re not wrong of course – think about all the things we’re now able to do from smartphone in our hands.  It’s an unprecedented level of convenience, efficiency, and productivity, and the hype helps generate sales momentum as these new products become available.

But, what is left out is what to do with your old devices when you replace them. Of course, some phones are recycled when they are exchanged for new ones at mobile carriers like Verizon and AT&T.  But when you consider the third-party market for not only phones, but other devices like tablets, laptops, smart watches, and the many other products that permeate today’s digital lifestyles, it’s clear that there’s an awful lot of electronic waste being created.

The United States alone generated almost 12 million tons of e-waste in 2014 according to the EPA. The UN reported that 44.7 million tons of e-waste was generated globally in 2016, and the World Economic Forum reported that number had risen for 485 million tons in 2018.  That makes it the fastest-growing waste stream in the world.  Yet, only about 20% was recycled.  So, where do the rest of these items end up?  Certainly, many are likely collecting dust in homes and offices, but a large percentage ends up in landfills or incinerators, both of which are harmful to the environment.

E-recycling offers an effective way to get rid of old electronics safely, but how should you recycle your electronics? There are many local retailers that will recycle e-waste – some of them regardless of where they were purchased.  And of course, mobile carriers often offer rebates for trade-in that can be applied towards the purchase of a new device.

If you keep an eye on your community events, you will also likely find e-recycling opportunities. The Milford Bank, for instance, will be holding two Shred & Recycle Days this year, making it easy for residents to get rid of their old electronics, as well as paper documents.

The first TMB Shred & Recycle Day will take place on Saturday, May 4, 2019, from 10:00am-1:00pm at the Post Road West branch (295 Boston Post Road, Milford, CT), and will include free e-recycling for anyone and free document shredding for customers (non-customers may still take advantage of the shredding service for a $5 donation to a local non-profit).

The second Shred & Recycle day will take place in the fall, after families have purchased new laptops and tablets for the new school year, on Saturday, October 12, 2019 (10am-12pm).

Recycling electronics and paper provides a constant stream of resources that have countless uses, helps reduce the amount of junk that piles up in landfills across the globe, and reduces the environmental impact of dumping. There are many materials that can be harvested from old electronics that can be re-used to manufacture new ones, including, gold, silver, palladium, and copper.  The WEF values the value of materials that can be recovered through e-recycling at more than $62 billion.  Apple says it was able to collect more than a ton of gold from recycled devices in 2015.  That’s worth more than $40 million.

Take a look around your home. If you have old electronics lying around that haven’t been used for years – and most households do – take advantage of this community service provided by The Milford Bank to do some good for the environment and get rid of some old junk from your home in the process.


Are Millennials Putting Themselves at Risk with their Digital Habits?

By Pam Reiss

According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), the number of reported incidents of cyber fraud continues to increase, reaching to 351,937 in 2018, 16% more than 2017 and a 30% increase from 2014.  Losses from these incidents are growing even faster, reaching more than $2.7 billion last year, an increase of 90% from 2017, and almost 240% more than 2014.  The FTC, which collects data on all sources of fraud, are even more staggering, registering almost 3 million complaints last year alone.

What’s alarming is that no age group is immune.  While there is a correlation between age and amount lost according to FTC data, there is also a reverse correlation between age and frequency of fraud loss.  The median loss increases with age, and Americans 80 and over tend to experience significantly larger losses than any other age group.  But, they are also the least likely to experience loss due to fraud.

In fact, younger Americans under 30 appear to be much more susceptible to loss through fraud than other age groups, falling victim to some sort of fraud three times more often than senior citizens.  This is particularly alarming because it points to younger generations having habits that make them easier targets, which could place them at risk for larger losses as they get older and their savings grow.

A large part of it is the nature of digital natives – Millennials and post-Millennials.  Growing up with the world at their fingertips, they have been immersed in a social environment and are willing to share just about anything.  They have built an resistance to fear of sharing information, and the more “friends” and “followers” and “likes” they have, the more successful they feel, often with little regard for the source of acknowledgement.

That world of social media acceptance has created a false sense of trust, opening the door for criminals, who only need to collect a few pieces of information in order to accomplish their goals.  It’s very easy to set up fake digital personalities to collect personal information or to create entertaining online quizzes to show your IQ, what Star Wars character you would be, or other similar social interactions.

This willingness to share, combined with younger people’s inherently higher level of trust (perhaps we should call it naïveté), makes them easier targets than older generations, which are less likely to trust engagements from people or entities they don’t know.

Whether the result is providing personal information that can lead to fraud, or clicking on malicious links in appear to be legitimate, younger adults can often be more easily manipulated by con artists and cyber criminals.  The good news is there are a number of easy tips that can help keep everyone – young and old – safe.

  • Check senders’ actual email addresses (not just names, they can be falsified)
  • Don’t click on links unless you are sure they are legitimate
  • Don’t open attachments unless you are sure they are intended for you – verify with senders if needed
  • Don’t share personal information with anyone you don’t know, including birthdays and birth cities. Most entities that need this information already have it.  This is a common phone scam tactic
  • If you aren’t sure if a request is legitimate, don’t acknowledge it until you have verified it separately with the organization or friend asking for it
  • Don’t accept friend or follower requests from people you don’t know or who seem out of place
  • Always keep your cyber security software up to date on all devices
  • Monitor your bank and credit card accounts, as well as credit reports
  • Be aware of “free” offers – you can rarely get things for nothing
  • Don’t send money to anyone who isn’t a close friend or family member
  • Be on the lookout for “URGENT” requests for information or money – this is telltale sign of scams
  • Don’t engage in any financial or other sensitive transactions over public or other unsecured WiFi networks – they can easily be hacked and your data intercepted.

Following these simple steps will help keep your identity and finances secure.  It’s inevitable, however, that you will be engaged by a fraudster.  When that happens, be sure to report it.  The more information authorities have, the better then are able to connect scams with their perpetrators and hopefully catch them.

Hopefully, it won’t happen, but if you think your personal or financial information has been compromised, contact The Milford Bank immediately.


Identity Theft vs. Identity Fraud: What You Need to Know

By Tyler Haskell

Identity theft and identity fraud are becoming all too common today, with the economic impact to banks, businesses, and customers reaching well into the billions annually. In 2018, roughly 14.4 million American adults were victims of identity fraud, with losses totaling $14.7 billion. The two terms – identity theft and identity fraud – are closely related, but aren’t the same, despite often being used interchangeably.

Identity Theft
Identity theft takes place when criminals acquire personal data, which is then used for subsequent illegal activities, including identity fraud and the sale of information to others. This information can include any number of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data, such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank accounts, driver’s license numbers, passwords, and more.

There are many ways criminals can steal personal data, from advanced hacking techniques to intricate scams to burglary and dumpster searches. Corporate hacking instances have increased over the past years, with many high-profile breaches being featured in mainstream news, from retail stores to healthcare organizations. The breaches have resulted in millions of customers’ data being stolen. Mobile devices are also a high-value target, simply because of the incredible amount of data stored on them.

Identity Fraud
Identity Fraud happens when criminals use stolen personal data for illegitimate transactions. These may include fraudulent purchases, opening new bank accounts or credit cards, initiating loans, and more.

Identity fraud impacts not only the victims of identity theft, but also the other organizations that become part of the fraudulent activity: merchants, banks, credit card companies, etc. The truth is, everyone is impacted in some way because businesses build the cost of fraud into their pricing structures to help cover their losses.

Protecting Yourself
Recovering from identity fraud is a daunting task that can take 200-300 hours of time and cost $1,000 or more. What’s more, these accounts can appear on credit reports for extended periods, making it difficult for victims to get legitimate credit.

First and foremost, protect your data. Don’t share passwords or account information. Don’t lend your credit cards or IDs to others. Make sure you have high levels of security on your mobile devices and use highly secure passwords on your online accounts – and don’t reuse passwords. Also use two-factor authentication whenever possible.

Be aware of the countless scams being conducted via phone and online. If you even remotely question a request for information or an offer, hang up and call the institution back yourself to verify the request. Legitimate organizations don’t usually ask for sensitive information without you having contacted them first.

Be sure to check your credit report regularly. We can assist our account holders with this by activating Credit Sense on your online and mobile banking app. Credit Sense is a tool that will help you improve your financial well-being. Credit Sense gives you up-to-date personal credit information including credit scores, credit usage, total balances, payment history, credit age and recent credit. You can refresh your credit score as often as you need and get tips on how to improve it. Credit Sense also offers credit monitoring, which gives you protection from fraud with alerts notifying you when something has changed in your credit profile.

While it’s hard to keep your data completely safe, following these simple precautions and staying alert can help you avoid the hassles and financial burden of identity theft and fraud. To help you with best practices for avoiding identity theft, contact us to learn how we are helping protect your identity and funds.